Frequently Asked Questions


Where do you provide physical therapy services?

We offer in home pediatric physical therapy sessions throughout Scottsdale and Paradise Valley. We also have the ability to perform treatments in a individuals natural environment (ie: playground, gym.)

What can physical therapy help my child improve in?

Physical therapy interventions can help children improve in their individual strength, gross motor/play skills, range of motion, balance, posture, reflex integration and tone.

Do you accept insurance?

We are a fee for service business. We pride ourselves on providing one on one personal care and concierge service. Insurance is not billed for services provided by Dr. Erin Dinnie PT, DPT, COMT. We encourage you to call your insurance provider to determine if there are any reimbursements for out-of-network costs. A summary of services performed can be provided as needed via a superbill. We gladly accept payment in check, credit card, Health Savings Account, or cash.

While we cannot guarantee reimbursement by your insurance provider, we will provide you with the resources necessary to request reimbursement for our services.

We also accept the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) funds and are class Wallet approved.

How long are appointments?

An appointment  typically lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

Do you need a prescription?

No prescription is required as Arizona is a direct access state for patient’s to receive physical therapy. 

Please note that the majority of insurances do require a prescription in order to be reimbursed prior to therapy services starting. It is advised to check with your insurance beforehand if you plan on submitting a super bill for reimbursement at your insurances out of network rate. 

Do you provide virtual visits?

We do provide teletherapy visits if needed and accommodate to your schedule. Teletherapy can be provided independently or combined with your individual home services.

What is DMI therapy?

DMI therapy, also known as Dynamic Movement Intervention, is a comprehensive intervention that incorporates current research, technologies, and methodologies to effectively address gross motor impairments in children, particularly those with conditions such as cerebral palsy. The primary goal of DMI therapy is to facilitate the progress of these children toward important developmental milestones through intensive and targeted interventions.

At its core, DMI therapy focuses on enhancing motor skills by improving body awareness and postural responses. Therapists utilize a hands-on approach to provide specialized exercises and activities that specifically target the child's neurological system. By carefully selecting exercises that challenge the child's abilities, DMI therapy stimulates neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt in response to new experiences or learning.

One of the key strengths of DMI therapy is its comprehensive nature. It takes into account the latest research findings and incorporates evidence-based techniques and strategies. By staying abreast of current research, therapists can ensure that the therapy provided is informed by the most up-to-date knowledge in the field. This allows them to employ effective interventions that have been shown to yield positive outcomes in motor development.

The focus on gross motor impairments makes Dynamic Movement Intervention therapy particularly suitable for children with conditions like cerebral palsy, where motor function is affected. The therapist tailors the therapy sessions to the specific needs of each child, employing exercises that target core stability, strength development, and other foundational skills required for achieving developmental milestones. By systematically addressing these areas, DMI therapy aims to improve overall motor abilities and promote functional independence in daily activities.

Therapists may utilize various tools and equipment, such as assistive devices, virtual reality systems, or adaptive technologies, to augment the therapy process. These technological advancements can enhance engagement, motivation, and the overall effectiveness of the intervention.